May 22, 2023

Aequor Honored Clinician: Omar Landaverde

Aequor Honored Clinician Interview with Omar Landaverde

Aequor Honored Clinician Omar LandaverdeWe regularly hear stories of Aequor clinicians going above and beyond the requirements of their jobs in caring for their patients. But this nurse’s story really got our attention, so we interviewed him in order to share it with you. Many thanks to Omar Landaverde, RN for being our Aequor Honored Clinician.

Currently on contract in the Los Angeles area as a telemetry nurse, Omar typically works nights and weekends, and consistently takes overtime shifts. After working a double, he didn’t feel right about leaving a patient alone who was dying of stomach cancer, so he stayed overnight with him–off the clock. This patient was transferred to a hospital closer to his home the next day, but Omar was able to connect with this man and provide his family with some comfort knowing that their loved one was not alone that night.

It is clear that one of Omar’s biggest strengths as a nurse is the compassionate connections he makes with his patients, which have a profound impact on their healing and with their families. When this patient passed away a few days later, the family invited Omar to the funeral, which he considered a great honor.

Here’s what Omar had to say about how he connects with his patients.


Omar began his nursing career in 2008 with a staff position in Houston, and then transitioned into travel nursing in 2010. He thought it would be a cool experience to be able to travel while working and enjoy the perks of increased compensation. Traveling has also opened up opportunities to work in different care units and expand his skill set. Although Omar’s primary specialty is neuro trauma ICU, as a traveler he has floated to other departments and is currently working as a tele RN.

Telemetry nursing, he has found, comes with different challenges and rewards. In the ICU, Omar interacted more with families and loved ones because patients are usually sedated and intubated. In telemetry, he communicates more with his patients and tends to care for their emotional wellbeing as well as physical. He recently had a patient tell him, “Omar, we’ll never forget you.”

It’s moments like these that keep Omar connecting with his patients. He told us that “As a nurse, you’ll forget your patients because you have so many, but you’re there for them at a time when they’re at their lowest. It’s just a real privilege to be there for people when they’re so sick because they will always remember you.”

While interviewing Omar for this story, he also had some kind words for his Aequor recruiter, Meghan Sather. He said that he came to Aequor because of her support and quick response. When they first spoke, Meghan promised Omar that she could get him a same-day offer, and she delivered. He said to Meghan, “I talked to you at 8 o’clock in the morning and you had me a contract by that afternoon. I’ve been with a lot of agencies, because I’ve been doing this a long time, and honestly, I haven’t had anyone ever work that quickly. So, thank you.”

Outstanding nurses like Omar can really make an Aequor recruiter’s job easy! We send our gratitude to Omar Landaverde for going above and beyond as our April 2023 Honored Clinician.

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