May 04, 2023
5 Ways to Show Your Appreciation During Nurses Week

Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system, providing compassionate and skilled care to patients in all settings, from hospitals to clinics to home care. Each year, for National Nurses Week, we celebrate and show nurses how much they are appreciated for all of their hard work and dedication to their patients. Here are a few ideas to show your appreciation to the nurses in your life during Nurses Week, which is May 6-12, 2023.
1. Say “Thank You”
The simplest and most direct way to thank a nurse is to simply say “thank you.” Whether it’s at an appointment, or just when you see a nurse that you know in passing, expressing your appreciation can go a long way in showing nurses that their hard work is noticed and valued.
2. Write a Thank You Note
A handwritten note can be a powerful way to express your gratitude and appreciation for the care provided by a nurse. Take the time to write a note, thanking a nurse for the outstanding care that they provided you or your loved ones. Let them know the impact they had on you and that their work is truly valued. You can leave it at the front desk or mail it. Either way, the gesture is thoughtful and will be meaningful.
3. Give a Gift
While gifts are not necessary, they can be a nice way to acknowledge nurses who have gone above and beyond. You can drop off a small token of appreciation at your provider’s office, for a special nurse or for all of the nurses at the office. A few ideas include coffee mugs, gift cards, baked goods or treats, snacks to eat during their shift, flowers, and balloons for the office. You could also give a basket of small items that nurses frequently use such as hair ties, gum and pens. Either way, receiving your gift can go a long way on a long day for the nurses that work hard to take care of us.
4. Share a Positive Review
If you or a loved one has received excellent care from a nurse, consider leaving a positive review on their employer’s website or social media pages about that specific nurse and the care they provided. A positive review will show appreciation for the nurse, as well as help other patients and families find quality healthcare providers. Some clinics or hospitals have exemplary employee forms that you can fill out about outstanding care, so the clinician can also be recognized and thanked by their employer.
5. Thank Your Child’s School Nurse
School Nurse’s Day falls on May 10 in 2023. What a perfect opportunity to thank the school nurse at your child’s school! Write a note of appreciation from you and your child, and have your child deliver it at school.
Whether it’s through a simple “thank you” or a more elaborate gesture, expressing your gratitude can make a difference by helping nurses feel valued and respected. While we appreciate the hard work of nurses daily, Nurses Week is a perfect opportunity to extend thanks for the dedication of nurses. Aequor applauds the compassion and commitment of nurses everywhere.
If you are a travel nurse looking for your next contract, or you want a nursing career paired with increased pay and adventure, head to the Aequor Talent Portal to browse open positions and get connected with one of Aequor’s dedicated recruiters today.
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